Protect Your State

Protect Creators, Protect Connecticut’s Economy, Protect Copyright. Say “No.”


Protect Connecticut’s creative economy.

These are bills that aim to devalue literary works and undercut the royalties available to authors – directly harming their ability to earn a living from their craft.

Anti-copyright forces are working in state legislatures across the country, and especially Connecticut, to jeopardize intellectual property through dangerous attacks that
are unconstitutional.

The U.S. Copyright Act stems directly from the U.S. Constitution and grants authors and creators of all kinds the exclusive rights to their creative expression, including, especially, the right to make it available to the public through a variety of licensing terms and business models.  These bills undermine this construct and violate the U.S. Copyright Act and Constitution.

Without these copyright protections, the enormous contributions that American authors and creators make to global culture, education, innovation, and a free and open democracy, would be threatened.

Connecticut legislators: Protect our creative economy and say “NO.”

Our Case

The argument against the bills.

Protect Connecticut’s Creative Economy

Local software industries contribute $6.84 billion to U.S. GDP.

Local music industries contribute $1.2 billion to U.S. GDP.

Local television contributes $8.99 billion to U.S. GDP.

Protect Connecticut’s Creative Workforce

Local motion picture and television industry support 9,161 direct jobs and 3,483 production-related jobs.

Local software industry supports 35,139 direct jobs and 107,895 jobs in total.

Local music industry supports 16,821 jobs.

Local television supports 17,460 jobs.

Local app economy supports 54,310 jobs in the computing workforce.


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